When Alex Was Bad Read online

Page 16

  “I’m going to fuck you, Alex.” Rising a bit, she reached down, rustled with something and sheathed him. Then she took his rod, lining up the leaking head with her sex.

  No underwear. Jesus, he loved the fact that his mystery lover had been craving this, had come prepared to take him. She sank onto him and began to ride.

  “Shit, yes,” he breathed. “You’re so hot, baby. So wet. Feels so good.”

  She set the rhythm, languid at first, letting him feel every inch of her channel squeezing his length. He throbbed inside her, pumping his hips, lost to this. Nothing existed except his cock buried in her fiery pussy.

  On the fringes of his awareness, he felt Jenna take his hand and move it between her spread legs where she knelt on the seat beside them. Answering her silent request, he rubbed her sex, smearing her juices, working her clit.

  But his attention was centered on the woman bouncing on his lap. Riding him hard now, breasts tapping his chest. Hips snapping, he fucked her, driving as deeply as possible. The wonderful quickening tightening his belly, his balls.

  “So close,” he panted.

  She cried out, walls spasming around his cock, and he erupted. Pulsed into her as she ground her sweet cunt against his rod, wringing every drop from him.

  Jenna gave a hoarse shout, coming on his fingers, pressing his hand into her mound. The three of them writhed for a minute or two, floating back to earth. Common sense returned, and with it, the realization that he was sorry for the evening to end. It had to, though, if he was going to make it to the office in the morning.

  Grinning, he reached for the blindfold. “Damn, that was awesome. Who—”

  Fingers closed over his wrist, preventing him from removing the scarf. “More titillating if she remains a mystery for now. If you’re a good boy, she might cross your path again soon.”

  “Very soon,” the woman whispered, kissing the corner of his mouth. “Thanks, Alex.”

  As she slid off his lap and made her exit, Alex had to admit Jenna’s plan for tonight was pretty mind-blowing. Sensual? Illicit? Hell, yeah. Mentally, he wrung his hands in wicked glee, trying to figure out who the other woman was—and hoping for a repeat, face-to-face.

  Jenna removed his blindfold and Alex blinked, letting his vision adjust again. The woman was indeed gone. Ryan peered inside the dark booth, his raised eyebrows the only chink in his normally unflappable calm.

  “Christ, man,” he muttered. “Can I be you for one day? Minus the crazy-assholes-trying-to-kill-me part?”

  “Easy. Just get your wife to agree to an open marriage,” he said, zipping up his leather pants. He’d have to discard the condom in the restroom.

  The big guy snorted. “Right. I sorta like my balls attached to my body, thanks.”

  Alex had to wonder whether his would be after this confession.

  He couldn’t wait to find out what Liv had in store.


  L iv watched Jason sleep, admiring how his too-long, sun-streaked hair fell in waves around his face. He looked even younger with his expression relaxed, dreaming, worries vanquished. Tenderness stirred in her breast, emotions that were rapidly progressing toward something scary. She knew nothing about this man and what he was hiding. Or the broken relationship he was running from.

  He didn’t think she’d seen him scrambling to stuff something into his desk earlier. But she had, and frankly, it had niggled at the back of her mind ever since. If he were job hunting, there was no reason to act like he’d almost been caught with top-secret documents.

  And the fact was, he’d lied. About something that wasn’t her business, but it bothered her nonetheless.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the peal of Jason’s doorbell. Followed immediately by an insistent pounding.

  She shook Jason’s shoulder and he grunted, trying to burrow into the covers. “Jase, wake up. There’s someone at the door.”

  “Hmm?” He rolled toward her, blinking off heavy sleep. “What . . . what the hell is that racket?”

  “Three guesses,” she said wryly.

  He sat up, shoving wayward locks out of his eyes. “Um, the fox has returned to the den?”

  “Maybe. And if it’s Alex, from the noise, I suspect he’s mighty unhappy at finding his nest empty. Do you have a robe?” She cast about, searching for something to slip into.

  “Huh. Should’ve thought of that before he left his cute little vixen lonely and unattended. Hang on.” He pushed out of bed and padded into the bathroom, returning seconds later with a navy terry-cloth robe.

  “Thanks,” she said, taking it from him. She stood and slid her arms into the sleeves, then belted it around her waist. The garment was big on her, but not too huge.

  By the time she was ready, Jason had yanked on a pair of shorts and started for the stairs. As he reached the front door, she could hear Alex yelling from the other side.

  “Jason! Open the goddamned door!”

  After disarming the alarm, he did just that, standing aside with a bemused expression as Alex blew right past him. He rushed straight to Liv and she braced herself for anger—until she saw the stark fear dissolve to relief in his eyes.

  Wrapping her in a crushing bear hug, he whispered into her hair, body trembling, “My God, don’t ever do that to me again! I came home and you weren’t anywhere to be found.”

  Her arms went around him, comforting, but at the same time she couldn’t resist throwing back, “Funny, neither were you.”

  “I called to let you know I’d be late, and Ryan was with me. I didn’t know where you were or if something had happened. I was scared, Liv.”

  He had a point, though the smidge of a double standard rankled some. “I’m sorry. I just figured you’d assume I was here,” she said softly, kissing his chest through the V of his shirt. “In the future, I’ll leave a note in the house or a message on your cell phone.”

  “Call my cell. No need to broadcast your whereabouts to an intruder.”

  Yikes. The idea made her shudder. “All right. I promise. Honey?”


  “You smell like an ashtray.”

  He pulled back, hands massaging her shoulders gently. “I was at a club.”

  “With Jenna?”

  Nodding, he stroked her cheek, expression guarded. “Do you want my confession now, or would you prefer to wait?”

  “Now, I think. It’s not very late.”

  “Well, folks, I’ll say good night.” Jason edged away from them, ready to beat a hasty retreat, regret on his face.

  Liv held out a hand. “Wait! I thought you wanted to participate. You don’t have to, of course, but I thought . . . ”

  “I’d love nothing more, but I assumed since his last confession was about me and this one isn’t, that you two would prefer I butt out.” He shrugged as though it made no difference to him, but was betrayed by the spark of hope in his brown eyes.

  “You’re wrong, Jase,” Alex said, flashing him a grin. “Why don’t you come over and help Liv think of a devious punishment for me?”

  The younger man glanced between them, expression full of mischief. “Okay, cool.”

  Liv went hot as a furnace. Just thinking about the last session in the playroom made her instantly aroused. She never imagined being as addicted to these occasions as her husband, considering the sins that came before, but despite the shard of pain in her heart, she quickly found herself ensnared in his erotic tale every single time.

  Jason reset the alarm and locked up; then they walked next door in silence fraught with anticipation. Comfortable with one another, yet the air between them was supercharged.

  We complement each other, Liv thought. Like pasta and my finest Ledson wine.

  If only her husband would appreciate the gifts awaiting him at home.

  Or perhaps he did, and the allure of the forbidden was too much to resist. Especially after coming home to an empty house for so many years.

  Relegating the old guilt to the past where it belonge
d, she ushered them inside, locked up and armed the alarm as Jason had done. The unmarked car was parked in its usual spot on the street, giving her a measure of comfort, since Ryan had gone home.

  Alex stopped in the foyer, hands on his hips. Her breath caught at the sight of her sexy husband, almost two decades together be damned. In those painted-on black leather pants and white shirt half undone, he was still the best-looking man she’d ever seen.

  Alex turned to her. “Where to?”

  “Upstairs. The bed will be more comfy for what I have in mind.”

  “Which is?”

  “You’ll soon see.”

  In their bedroom, she removed Jason’s robe—now, that must’ve been an interesting sight for the cop outside—and draped it across the foot of their bed. Both men sucked in a collective breath at her nakedness, both muttering their apparent approval.

  She smiled at them. “Lose the clothes, boys. Then I want Alex lying on his back in the center of the bed. Jason, see those two candles in the glass jars?” She pointed them out, one on the dresser and one on the nightstand. “Light them both, please. There’s a matchbook on the dresser.”

  “Mood lighting? Love it,” Jason said, shimmying out of his shorts.

  “Oh, you’re going to love it even more, trust me.”

  Both men gave her a curious look as they followed her directions. Both were half-erect by the time Alex was in place and the candles lit.

  She sat on one side of Alex and gestured for Jason to take the other side. Then she nodded at Alex. “Spread your arms and legs slightly. Good. Keep them flat, your palms down, until we’re done.”

  “No moving at all?”

  “None. As soon as you gather your thoughts, we’re ready for your confession.”

  Alex took a deep breath, let it out. The stillness of the darkened room, illuminated only by the two candles, settled around them like a cloak. The atmosphere, set to put her husband at ease and heighten the eroticism, began to take effect. The tension visibly drained from his body, except for one part of him enjoying a very fond memory.

  “After work, we changed clothes and drove to this BDSM club in a shitty part of the warehouse district. Ryan and I got the creeps, but Jenna insisted the place was safe. I guess it was, but when we got there all I could think about was making the stay short and getting her home.”

  “She rode with you and Ryan?”

  “Yeah. She said her sister needed to borrow her car again.”

  Liv frowned. “You’ve never met her sister, have you?”

  “No, but why would I? I’ve got employees who’ve worked under me for years whose families I’ve never met.”

  “I know, but the car thing just seems like an awfully convenient excuse on Jenna’s part.”

  “Probably. Anyway, we went inside and Jesus, Liv—Mistress—I’ve never seen so much nudity in one place. Kinky stuff going on in every corner. One guy blowing another guy; two men sucking a woman’s breasts. God.”

  Sounded raunchy. Removed from her normal, white-bread life. And fun.

  “Jenna had reserved this semiprivate booth, so she and I went and sat in there while Ryan stood watch over the crowd.” His cock jerked, filled to full attention, dark and flushed. “She undid my pants and felt me up, right there in front of God and everybody. Well, no one could actually see, but there were tons of people around. Everyone knows what’s going on.”

  “Did you like being exposed?”

  “After I got over the surprise? Yes. Sitting there having my cock and balls stroked was . . . wicked.”

  “You wanted more.” She glanced at Jason, who watched Alex in rapt fascination, hanging on every word.

  “I did, and I got more. She blindfolded me, and the next thing I knew, another woman came in. She crawled under the table between my legs and—”

  “Uh-uh,” she admonished, smacking his hand away from where it crept toward his erection. “Hands down, flat.”

  He grimaced, his need to touch himself plain. “She sucked me for a few minutes, then rolled on a condom and straddled my lap. I returned the favor on her nipples, but not for long. She took my prick into her hot pussy and we fucked like animals. God, it was so good because I could only hear the sounds of sex, feel our heated skin, sliding and rubbing. The intensity was electric times ten, because I was connected to someone in the most intimate way possible, just high on sensation.”

  “Christ,” Jason whispered, leaning back to fist his own cock. “What was Jenna doing?”

  “Getting off on my fingers working her clit. I shot and made two women come at the same moment—can you believe that?”

  Liv absolutely could. Alex had almost made her come simply by telling the story. Her sex throbbed and the insides of her thighs were moist. “Who was the woman?”

  “I don’t know. Jenna stopped me from taking off the blindfold until after she’d left. But her voice seemed familiar, and she made a comment about how my cock was better than she’d imagined. Or something to that effect.”

  “Another lawyer from the office?”

  “Crap, I hope not.”

  Jason snorted. “Well, that’ll liven up the workplace.”

  “Shut up, jackass.”

  “I happen to know you like my ass—”

  “Boys! Let’s get back to business.” She slid a hand up Alex’s leg, rolling his delicate sac in her fingers, thinking of the implications for her husband at work. If Ken Brock had been pissed about his boss playing with Jenna, he’d be livid if the second woman was also someone in the office and word got around. How much, if anything, might he have to do with Alex’s current trouble?

  Would Ken resort to murder?

  A movement reclaimed her attention. Jason knelt behind her, trailed sensual kisses along her shoulder, brushed her hair aside to nibble her neck. Sweet lord, he nearly made her forget Alex’s punishment.

  While Jason’s kisses traveled lower and he stroked her back, she bent down and tasted Alex’s seeping cock, trying to live the experience through another woman’s eyes. Through Alex’s. Desire washed through her with such force, envisioning his legs spread for this woman, shuddering under her attentions. His cock penetrating his lover, filling her deeply. Every one of Liv’s erogenous zones pulsed with pleasure, with the ache to be pushed over the edge.

  But not yet.

  “Jason, come around here.” She smiled as he complied without question. “My randy husband must suffer for his sins before I even think of allowing him release.”

  Jason laid a hand on Alex’s chest, thumb absently rubbing a hard nipple. “What’s the plan?”

  “Pain. Since Alex is all about sensation this evening, I’ll use a different sort of pain that’s used to heighten arousal—or so I’ve read. Watch.” Both men tracked her hand as she reached for the glass jar on the nightstand containing the candle. “Oh, perfect. The wax is melted, so I’ll get started. Remember to keep your hands flat, and try to relax. Let the burn sink into your skin.”

  “Oh, man,” Jason said with a laugh. “Hot-wax torture! Dude, this is going to tie your cock into a knot.”

  “Eyes open or closed?” Alex managed.

  “After what you told me . . . closed, for the full effect.”

  After he complied, Liv suspended the jar over his chest. “I’m going to start with your nipples and work my way south. I want you to tell me how this feels.”

  Careful not to pour too much, she first experimented with a pea-sized dot on one brown nipple.

  He flinched, lips parted. “Stung a bit, but not bad. More, please.”

  She dribbled more of the liquid onto the taut nub of flesh, gratified by the growling noise in his throat. The sexy noise he made when he was into whatever she was doing to him. She treated the other nipple to the wax, and to her surprise, he seemed to melt into the bed rather than tensing.

  “Damn,” he hissed. “It’s hot. Feels good.”

  “Does it?” Encouraged, she trailed a thin line of the fragrant stuff down his abdome

  “Yes. It’s like a hot tongue on my skin—God, Liv!”

  His cock flexed as she drizzled the liquid over his delicate sac, like hot fudge on a sundae and twice as delicious. He was writhing now, so close to the edge he whimpered, erection stabbing the air in a wordless plea.

  When she poured the heated wax down his shaft, he erupted with a hoarse cry, hips jacking upward.

  “Fuck, yes! Oh . . . ”

  Cum spurted onto his belly, pumped down his rod to pool at his groin. His ecstasy had Liv burning, and she plunked the jar on the nightstand in a hurry, crawled across Alex’s legs to Jason. She settled on her back and splayed her legs wide in invitation. Unashamed.

  “Jason, I need—”

  Before she completed the urgent request, their handsome young lover was there. Knowing exactly what she needed. Taking care of her. His talented tongue drove between the lips of her sex, fucking her in rapid strokes.

  “Oh! Jason, yes!”

  “Shit, yeah,” she heard her husband rasp. “Eat her, my friend. Give the lady what she wants.”

  The approval in his thick voice sent her barreling over the edge with no brakes. Jason suckled her pulsing clit and she shattered, gripping his long hair. Fucking his mouth, riding out the storm.

  The spasms subsided at last and she collapsed into a boneless pile of mush as Jase planted gentle kisses on the inside of her thigh. Then he sat up, grinning, pleased with himself.

  “Score one for the magic tongue,” he bragged, lewdly wiggling the appendage in question.

  Alex, propped on his elbows, made a face. “No complaints about your skills or Liv’s. I, on the other hand, will be picking this crap out of my nether regions for two days.”

  Sitting up, Liv giggled at the wax dried all over his front. “That’s part of the reason it’s called punishment.”

  “Sadist,” he threw back, without any real rancor.

  “Not even close.” Jason climbed from the bed. “She’s much too pretty and has way too big a heart.”