When Alex Was Bad Read online

Page 12

  And swallow.

  And swallow.

  Home. Alex and Liv are home and nothing else matters.

  Nothing else.

  Jason slipped away and the world disappeared.

  Alex’s cock pulsed in tempo to his heartbeat.

  He pressed Jason’s face into his groin, held him there, not quite believing how fantastic it was to possess such control over another man. This man. To have Jason willingly give himself over, making it clear he belonged to Alex, was his to use however he wished.

  “Ah, fuck! Yes!”

  The rich scent of sex teased his nose, and he knew the other man had achieved his release. He pumped with abandon as Jason swallowed—until the younger man went limp and began to slump sideways.

  “Jason? Shit!”

  Alex hit his knees, catching Jason by the shoulders and easing him to the carpet. Anxious, he peered into the other man’s pale face, caressing his jaw. Jason’s chest heaved and he began to breathe heavily, color once again flooding his cheeks.

  “Jesus. God. Thank God.”

  Warm, dazed brown eyes met his. “Holy freaking shit, that was amazing.”

  Laughing nervously, Alex popped his arm. “You scared the hell out of me, dammit. Are you all right?”

  “Hey, don’t curse the one that pleases you,” he said, sitting up. “I’m fine, just a little breath play, you know?”

  “No, and don’t do it again.” Alex took his lips in another kiss, this one slow. Easy. It was so good, better than he’d ever expected, and he was torn between marveling that he’d waited so long to experience this and being awfully glad he had.

  “Christ, you make love with your mouth,” Jason said. “Ought to have those lips insured.”

  The compliment pleased Alex. “Liv says they’re my sexiest feature.”

  Jason’s eyes glinted with mischief. “Oh, I don’t know about that.”

  “Jase, I’m not gay,” he blurted. Smooth, real smooth.

  “Oh. I see.” Jason’s handsome face went blank and he started to rise.

  Alex caught his arm. “No, wait. All I mean is I don’t care for labels. Sex is what it is and I’ve always believed people should be with whomever they choose without everyone making a huge deal.”

  “Sure,” he said, studying Alex intently. “I agree. Now what?”

  Alex wanted Jase again. So swiftly and with such force it shook him. “Now I take you upstairs.”

  Standing, he headed for the stairs, self-conscious about being buck naked and Jason still dressed. What if the man didn’t follow? A glance behind him soothed his concern—Jase was grinning, the telltale bulge pushing at his zipper once more.

  “Nice view, Quinn.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Make me—”

  He yanked Jason into the bedroom and spun him around, kissing him hard while backing him up until his legs hit the mattress. “You’re overdressed. Fix it.”

  Jason complied quickly, pulling off his black T-shirt and toe ing off his shoes. His hands trembled a bit as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pushed them down. Excitement and arousal rolled off him in waves, along with the musky scent of his earlier release.

  “You like to be told what to do,” Alex mused aloud, recalling their conversation the evening by the pool. Not to mention his response downstairs. “Dominated.”

  “Only in the bedroom.” Jase lifted his chin.

  “Works for me.”

  Unable to resist, Alex buried a hand in the kid’s hair. He loved the wild, sun-streaked waves falling to his shoulders. He smoothed a palm over his chest, thumb flicking a hard brown nipple. Skimmed downward over the flat, almost concave, abdomen, brushed the smattering of dark brown curls surrounding the burgeoning sex.

  “Get on the bed and lie on your back.”

  Jason hurried to obey and spread out for him, totally wanton, lids half closed, expression needy, cock stiff against his lean thigh.

  Alex crawled between his knees, as eager as he’d been when he’d had his first woman. “My turn to taste you.”

  He ran his hands up the insides of Jason’s thighs, liking how the younger man whimpered in anticipation. Throaty, happy noises that increased when he rolled the man’s balls in his fingers. God, they were soft and pliable, in contrast to the steely rod jutting above them. Testing one, he rolled it in his mouth, suckling as Jason had done to him.

  “Oh . . . oh, Alex . . . ”

  Hell, yeah. He loved how Jason went liquid, giving all of himself. Trusting. With one finger, he swirled a drop of pearly cum over the head of Jason’s cock while lavishing attention on his balls. Laving until the man writhed, lost to whatever he wanted to do.

  And he wanted to taste more. Grabbing the base of Jason’s cock, he brought the head to his lips. Began to suck.

  “Mmm, yes.” Earthy, salty. “Good.”

  Dipping his head, he sucked in earnest, tongue stroking the ridge underneath. Driving his prey mad.

  “Alex . . . shit, yeah. Please . . . ”

  He pulled off. “Please what?”

  “I n-need you. Inside me.”

  “Beg me.”

  “P-please, fuck me. I’m begging you,” he whispered.

  Something fierce and primal rose in him at the younger man’s plea. His cock ached and throbbed. He had to claim what was his, or go insane.

  “Mine,” he heard himself snarl.

  “Yes, yours.”

  That did it. With no effort, he flipped Jason onto his stomach, then pulled at his waist, guiding him to kneel, thighs spread. Alex got into position behind his lover, aching so badly to slam home he had to remind himself to prepare the kid. Although he’d only taken Liv this way, he figured the process wasn’t so very different. He didn’t want to hurt Jason. Much.

  Wetting two fingers, he parted Jason’s cheeks and slipped them inside. Stretching as quickly as he dared, using his saliva for lube.

  “Don’t wait. Just fuck me, please,” Jason moaned.

  Replacing his fingers with the head of his dripping cock, he issued a warning. “I won’t be gentle. I can’t, not this time.”

  “Hurt me—I don’t care!”

  The last of his resistance crumbled and he grabbed Jason’s hips, pushing firmly past the tight ring of muscle. The sight of the sweet flesh parting to admit him, knowing the willing body underneath him was his to use as he wished, set him on fire.

  Burying himself deep, he held for a moment, a guttural moan escaping his lips. So snug and hot around his prick, ass to groin, their balls rubbing. Delicious.

  He pulled out slowly, then rammed inside again, ripping a harsh cry from his boy’s throat. “That’s right, my slut. Let me hear how much you love it.”

  “Oh, God! Fuck me hard!”

  He did. Drove into that beautiful ass fast, hard and deep. Fucked his lovely toy right into the mattress, the slapping sounds of rough sex echoing through the room.

  Angling to find Jason’s magic gland, he pegged it without mercy, fucking them both into oblivion. The man’s body went taut as a bowstring underneath him as he cried out, and Alex lunged even faster, reaching around and pumping Jason’s cock.

  Jason shouted, bucking, spilling liquid heat over Alex’s hand. Alex went over, as well, erupting like a megaton bomb, pumping Jason full.

  The younger man collapsed and Alex went with him, sprawled across his back. They lay in a panting, quivering heap for God knows how long, neither of them game to move for a while.

  Reason returned, with none of the guilt or self-recrimination Alex might’ve expected. No way around the truth. He’d enjoyed the hell out of being with Jason, looked forward to being with him again, and he wasn’t going to feel bad about it.

  But how would Liv feel now that the deed was done?

  He hoped she’d be pleased. In every way.


  Well, that was oodles of fun.

  Soothing her irate head chef ’s ruffled feathers, spending another hour on the books and filling i
n as hostess for the girl who called in sick. An afternoon of madness that didn’t quite hold the appeal it once had, all while waiting for her ride. And waiting.

  Neither Alex nor Jason ever showed, or bothered to phone.

  “Thank you, Chrissy,” she said, shouldering her purse and fishing out her keys. The cute waitress pulled the VW Bug to a stop in front of Liv’s house and grinned, snapping her gum in tempo to some god-awful screeching dubbed new-wave rock. All of this combined with the girl’s purple-streaked red hair made Liv feel as though she’d fallen into a weird time warp and emerged about a hundred years old.

  “Gotcha covered, Miz Q. Go give Mr. Q. hell, huh?”

  “Fabulous idea,” she muttered, stepping out. “See you next week.”

  As the little car sputtered and coughed its retreat, Liv stalked up the sidewalk, fuming. Black trash bags and weeds dotted the yard, and a pair of hedge trimmers lay in the flower bed. Alex had been the one to insist she not go about unescorted for a while, and he’d gotten so busy playing in the dirt she’d slipped his mind?


  Letting herself in, she closed and locked the door, then cut through the formal dining room into the kitchen. “Alex?”

  No answer. Grr.

  A half-consumed bottle of Corona sat abandoned on the counter, and Liv frowned. Obviously, he’d come inside for a refreshment break from the yard work, so where had he gone? Walking over, she wrapped her fingers around the bottle. Warm. It wasn’t like Alex to leave a perfectly good beer to ruin.

  Fear skittered along her spine. “Alex, honey?”

  What if he’d been surprised by whoever rigged his Jag . . . oh, God.

  She jogged to the back patio doors. No sign of him in the backyard or in the pool. Hand over her pounding heart, she turned and scanned the living room, looking for signs of a struggle. Anything out of place.

  What she found was a pair of cutoffs and a T-shirt on the floor. Alex’s clothing. And another deserted beer.


  Of all the terrible scenarios she’d imagined as to why her husband had forgotten her this afternoon, Alex inviting a woman here wasn’t one of them.

  Jenna. Had he given her a call, asked her to drop by with an important file? Had she stayed, enticed Alex upstairs for some afternoon delight?

  Here. Another woman. In our bed.

  Oh, no. That, she could not handle.

  Like you have a choice?

  She mounted the stairs, numb. Mind spinning. She didn’t want to see but had to, like a rubbernecker passing a fatal accident. Her hands shook and her stomach lurched. Because Alex would never violate the sanctity of their personal haven with someone he didn’t truly care for.

  That’s what frightened her more than anything—to think he’d fallen for the object of his lust. A female third, she couldn’t do. Or worse, what if her plan had backfired and she’d lost Alex to Jenna altogether?

  On wobbly legs, she entered their bedroom—and her mouth fell open. The air whooshed from her lungs, the profound relief not unlike what she’d experienced in the ER upon learning Alex would be fine.

  Her husband had gotten busy playing all right. Just not in the dirt.

  And not with Jenna.

  “Thank God,” she whispered, moving forward.

  Intrigued, Liv studied the sleeping pair. They lay in a tangle of sleek, golden limbs, with Alex sprawled on his back, Jason draped across his chest, legs entwined. Two gorgeous lions basking in the sun. The decadent sight and unmistakable scent of male musk called to the core of her as a woman.

  Yes, this she could do. More, she desired it. Against all odds, this felt good and right.

  Because these men were hers.

  She perched lightly on the edge of the bed, drinking them in. Both were dead to the world, one of Alex’s arms draped around Jason’s waist as though making sure he wouldn’t get away. There was something so sweet about that, so damned innocent for men who were anything but, the irony made Liv smile.

  Reaching out, she pushed a lock of blond hair out of Alex’s eyes. He shifted, a low, satisfied hum rumbling in his chest, and blinked at her.

  “Liv? What . . . ”

  “Hello, Casanova,” she said, trailing a finger over his lips. “I see why you forgot me, though you’ll have to grovel to get back in my good graces.”

  “Forgot you? I don’t—oh. Oh, shit!”

  Alex bolted upright, dumping Jason, who grouched a muffled complaint as he buried his face in the covers.

  Alex blinked at Jason, eyes widening, then back at Liv, face leaching of color. “Liv, baby, I’m so sorry.”

  She cocked her head, enjoying this perhaps more than she should. “For dooming me to catch a ride with Chrissy in her asthmatic Bug? Or for fucking Jason?”

  Despite his obvious discomfort, he held her gaze steadily. “The first, not the second.”

  At his admission, a spark flared to life between them. Passion, now so close to the surface where there used to be emptiness, cold and dead.

  She covered his hand with hers. “What do you think this means?”

  He didn’t pretend not to understand. “I don’t know,” he said, looking down at their sleeping lover with unmistakable affection. And no small amount of desire. “But it feels right.”

  “You sound surprised.”

  “I am. I thought I’d feel . . . different. You know, afterward. More confused. A little sleazy.”

  “Hell-o, awake here.” Jason rolled to his back and stretched, muscles flexing over his ribs and hard abdomen. His cock lay in repose against one lean thigh, round balls nestled underneath. “If this is where you two play True Confessions, Dirty Neighbor Edition, I’m gone.”

  Alex grimaced. “Sorry, Jase. I didn’t mean it as an insult.”

  “No sweat. Just wait until I ghost out of here before you go all Dr. Ruth and shit.” He pushed up, his expression a mixture of amusement and annoyance.

  “Please don’t go.” Liv placed a palm in the center of the younger man’s chest, halting his departure. “Don’t you want to participate in my husband’s punishment?”

  He paused, glancing between her and Alex with renewed interest. “Yeah? Dishing out the discipline isn’t normally my thing, but for you? I’m glad to make an exception. And I have to say, Olivia, your man doesn’t look particularly worried about the prospect.”

  Indeed he didn’t, if his rising erection was any indication. He looked gloriously debauched and ready for round two. “Good. I want him aroused and pleading for release, not anxious. Stress kills the libido.”

  “Not a problem at the moment,” Alex said with a wry grin.

  Jason slid from the bed and stood, comfortable in his naked skin. “Well, you’re the boss lady. Where do you want us?”

  What a mouthwatering, loaded question.

  “Somewhere a bit more stimulating. Come with me, gentle men.”

  Walking out, she glanced over her shoulder. They trailed her like a pair of eager puppies—or more appropriately, drooling frat brothers, from their good-natured ribbing and the lewd stares fixed on her bottom.

  Predictable, but cute. She’d have to yank their leashes and bring them to heel, that much was plain.

  Downstairs, Liv led them into the media-turned-playroom and switched the light on dim. The windowless space was a wicked cave with her toys spread around, inviting its occupants to partake in a feast of sensual delights.

  Jason whistled. “Damn. I didn’t figure you guys as being into the scene.”

  Liv studied his rapt perusal of the setup. “The scene?”

  “Leather, BDSM.”

  Good lord. “We’re not, really, other than spanking and tying each other to the bed once in a while. The equipment is new. This is where my darling hubby receives his punishment, and it can also serve when we’re in the mood for something edgier.”

  “I’d say you’re on the right track.” Jason winked at her. “What’s your pleasure?”

  Liv gestured to the set of b
ondage poles Alex had become acquainted with on the night of his first indiscretion. “I want Alex bound, but we’ve sampled that one already. We need something with more bite. Something to drive him crazy.”

  Jason padded to a table loaded with all sorts of scary tools. Inspecting a leather harness, he lifted it, mischief dancing in those brown eyes. “Like this?”

  “What is that thing?” Alex managed, tone doubtful.

  “Butt-plug harness,” Jason supplied with an evil grin. “Complete with cock ring. Gets you coming and going, if you’ll pardon the pun.”

  Liv nodded, beaming. “Perfect! He’ll look beautiful in the leather, stretched taut and tortured beyond endurance, don’t you think?”

  Jason eyed the object of their discussion as though he was a steak on a platter. “Hell, yeah.”

  Alex backed up a step. “Uh, I don’t think—”

  “You aren’t required to think, only to obey. Get over there and Jason will help strap you in.”

  Harness in hand, Jason searched the table. “Lube?”

  “Top drawer in the chest next to you.”

  “Jesus,” Alex muttered, but did as he was told. He wasn’t staring at either of them but at the contraption that would serve as his prison for the next hour or more. And gracious, his cock had hardened enough to penetrate steel, the hunger on his face surpassing his misgivings.

  Oh, this would be fun.

  Jason slipped the harness over his head while Alex stood, spine rigid. “We’re going to leave the neck strap loose until we get the plug and ring in place. Kneel on those pillows.” Alex complied. “Good, now spread your legs.”

  Squatting next to Alex, Jason grabbed the dangling front piece and ripped apart the Velcro enclosing the soft fabric of the cock ring. Next, he lifted Liv’s husband’s balls and fastened the ring behind the sac, around the base of his cock. This pulled the front of the harness snug against Alex’s chest and abdomen, and raised his flushed sex to a seemingly impossible height. Alex groaned and closed his eyes.

  Jason checked the fit of the ring and nodded in satisfaction. “Tight enough to keep you from coming, but not cause physical damage. I’m going to pull this strap connected to the back of the ring between your legs, then insert the plug. But I’m going to get you slick first. I’ll talk you through it, okay?”