When Alex Was Bad Read online

Page 10

  Cool air caressed his sex and he sucked in a deep breath, loving the sensation of being spread before her, a banquet for her feast. She held the power and he trembled beneath her, eager and ready.

  Frowning, she brushed her fingers over his right hip and thigh. “Those bruises look worse than I thought.”

  “They’re not nearly as agonizing as a certain part of me.”

  With a satisfied hum, she lifted his balls, manipulating them with clever fingers. She lowered her head, lifted her veil of hair to one side so he could see, and began to place sweet, gentle kisses on his sac. His penis. His cock. Up, and down again. Driving him crazy with those lips.

  Prickles of delight shimmered along his skin, but when she took one of his testicles in her mouth, he thought he might die. Hot, wet suction spread fire through his limbs, melted his bones. She lavished attention on one, then the other, before releasing it to lave his rigid cock to the leaking tip.

  She captured the pearly drop with her tongue, then suckled the head of his penis with such care and skill he wanted to weep.

  “God, yes,” he moaned, arching his hips. “Deeper, baby.”

  Those blue eyes flashed to his; then she returned her attention to his cock. She did as he begged, but not quickly. No, she made him suffer, swallowing him bit by bit, keeping the pressure tight, tormenting him with the scrape of teeth. The teasing of tongue.

  Deeper, deeper, until her nose met his groin.

  His aching cock. Shoved all the way down his wife’s lovely throat.

  Intense. Electrifying.

  “Oh, shit . . . Liv, please . . . have to fuck your sweet mouth.”

  He couldn’t have stopped at gunpoint, his promise not to move blown to dust. Ignoring the twinge in his wrist, he fisted her silky hair in his hand and held her firmly in place as he began to thrust. Faster, harder. Fucking that talented mouth for all he was worth, hips snapping.

  She gave as good as she got, too, working his dick like a pro. Sucking and licking, hanging on for the ride. He would feel bad for being so rough if he didn’t know she loved doing him, always had. Loved driving him higher, fraying his control.

  His balls drew taut and the familiar tingle gathered at the base of his spine. He fucked her without mercy, out of his mind with the need to come—

  And then he yelled, shooting, lost to the spasms as she drank every drop of him. He shuddered on and on, until at last he went limp. Blind and wrung out. Exhaustion weighed him down in a heavy, fuzzy blanket as she licked him clean.

  She pulled up his sweats, restoring him to order. He cracked an eye open and managed a tired smile at her disheveled state and the glow in her cheeks. Yeah, he’d done that and was damned glad.

  “You broke your promise,” she scolded, trying to appear stern. And failing.

  “Couldn’t help myself. Jesus, what you do to me. Allow me to return the favor?” Reaching out, he fingered a wild strand of black hair.

  “Later. You need to rest.”

  “More punishment?”

  “No, just me being concerned about you.”

  Leaning into him, she took his mouth in a slow, sensual kiss. He tasted himself on her tongue, and it turned him on. Made him want to start all over again, this time with him as her tormentor.

  But she stood, shaking her head. “Sleep. I’ll wake you in a bit for some breakfast before I run and get your prescription filled. Come on.”

  Carefully, she helped him over to his favorite chair, the one Lambert had vacated earlier, and cranked it back to recline with his feet up. He grumbled a protest, but Liv was right. He was tired. In moments, his eyes drifted closed.

  Rest, not punishment.

  If he kept telling himself that, maybe he’d believe it.

  He was bored as freaking shit.

  Forty-eight hours limping from his chair to the bed and back again, eyes glazed, thumb wearing out the remote control in a fruitless endeavor to find something interesting. Anything to occupy his mind for more than two minutes.

  On Oprah, a family cry-fest was in session, a group of women sniveling all over each other about God-knows-what.


  On the Discovery Channel, a male seahorse was having babies. Gross.


  The History Channel touted the Americans’ march to victory during World War II. For the millionth time.

  Shutting off the TV, Alex tossed aside the remote in frustration. After the constant, insane rush of daily life at the firm, this inactivity was driving him bonkers. At least Danielle was keeping him updated, and Kyle had phoned a couple of times to check on him. And last night, Jenna left a naughty voice mail on his cell phone that left him hard for hours afterward.

  Glad you’re in one piece, sexy. Give me a call when you’re feeling better and we’ll make plans to speed your recovery. Shall I tie you to my bed again? Or perhaps something even more wicked. Sweet dreams.

  More wicked than being bound, at her mercy? Hell. He’d promised Liv he’d take the rest of the week off to rest his body, but one tormented part of him hadn’t received the message.

  Where the hell was Liv?

  Worried, he pushed from his chair and stretched for a minute, working out the stiffness. Then he went in search of his wife and mounted the stairs, glad the scream of his abused muscles had become muted to a bearable ache.

  In their bedroom, he paused. “Liv?”

  “In here.”

  He headed for their spacious bathroom, relieved and trying not to act paranoid. Poor Liv had to be tired of his overprotective attitude and feeling as cooped up as he was.

  In the doorway, he stopped and drooled. His wife made a beautiful sight, perched on the edge of her vanity seat, fooling with her hair, wearing a scrap of silky peach material posing as a robe.

  She glanced at him in the mirror. “Going stir crazy?”

  “Yeah. Wherever you’re going, it must be better.”

  “Jason’s dropping me off at the restaurant for a while, remember?”

  “Oh.” Damn, how could he have forgotten? “I could take you. I’m not helpless, you know.”

  “But you are on pain meds and aren’t supposed to drive yet. Anyway, Jason doesn’t mind.”

  “What if I mind?”

  Her hands stilled. “It’s a little late in the game for jealousy now, Alex.”

  “This isn’t about my ego,” he muttered, annoyed. That earned him The Look. “Okay, maybe a little. But the problem isn’t Jason; it’s being unable to protect my own wife, dammit.”

  “Just for a couple more days, until you’re off the heavy drugs.” Pushing up from the vanity, she stood and turned, opening her arms to him. “Come here.”

  He met her halfway, folding her into his arms. Tucking her head against his heart, where she should be. God, they didn’t do this much anymore. Simply drink in each other, taking strength in the contact between man and wife.

  She felt good, too. Warm and soft, smelling like raspberry shampoo, her breasts snuggled against his chest. His cock hardened against her tummy and he tipped her face up with one finger.

  “I need you, baby. No games, no punishment. Just us, making love.”

  Her uncertainty showed, and he resented it. Hated the awful possibility that, in spite of their efforts, they may have reached a sexual and emotional impasse, adrift and unsure where they stood. That maybe love really wasn’t enough. He had to erase the doubts, kiss them away, and he started by fusing their mouths together with gentle pressure.

  He drew her into their room, not breaking the kiss. Pushed her onto her back and parted the robe. Bared her to him. Completely. Dusky-tipped nipples and slim hips. Dark curls between her thighs, falling open for him. The pink slit of her pussy, inviting.

  She helped him off with his T-shirt and he stood for a second, slipping out of his sweats and yanking off his wrist brace to join the pile. He wasted no time crawling to her, up her body, covering her smaller form with his. He framed her face with his hands, the tip of his hung
ry cock nudging into her folds, seeking home.

  He took her mouth again as he slid inside, deep into her welcoming heat. They moaned together, hips thrusting, busy hands touching everywhere they could reach.

  They both knew this wasn’t about sex.

  “Tell me there’s still an us,” he breathed into her lips. Desperate. Aching inside. He couldn’t lose her now.


  “Yes, Alex. Yes.”

  “I love you. Oh, God . . . ”

  They made love slowly, the passion spiraling them upward. Sweet, familiar. Flying higher until they plummeted over the edge, clinging to one another, cries mingling, hearts pounding.

  Alex came hard, pumping into Liv, giving her all of him. At last, he lay draped over her, shaking and spent. He never wanted to move, but his muscles were complaining. So he rolled to his back and pulled her into his arms, where she seemed content to remain—if only for a while.

  “There’s still us,” she whispered, stroking his chest. “We’re altered, that’s all.”

  “I know, baby.” He kissed her temple and thought for a long while. Long after she’d resumed getting ready and departed with Jason.

  He replayed their lovemaking. Sweet, conventional, comforting. The truth was inescapable. Sometimes they had to reconnect, enjoy the fuzzy, warm-security-blanket sort of loving they’d shared earlier.

  But they also needed the fire, the sizzle that Liv’s bargain had put back into their sexuality. Needed the decadence as much as air to breathe.

  Alex needed to be bad now and then, and he absolutely loved having Liv’s permission to play. Anticipating his confession and his wife’s punishment—not to mention what she and Jason might be cooking up—even more so.

  The change between him and Liv was permanent. There was no going back to what they’d been. And yeah, it made him a little sad.

  Mostly, it make his cock iron-hard to wonder what escapades were next for them all.

  From the kitchen, Olivia sneaked a peek at Alex prowling the living room like a caged beast. Day three of his incarceration and the more he healed, the more he growled. Terminal boredom.

  Thank goodness she knew a cure. In light of the attempt on Alex, she and Jason had at first disagreed over how to proceed with the plan, but they’d worked out the details.

  Tonight was for herself, Alex . . . and Jason.

  Drying her hands, she padded into the living room. Alex stood looking out the glass patio doors into the night, spirit troubled. A little down.

  Olivia to the rescue.

  “Hey, sexy.” She slid her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek against his broad back.


  His arms hugged hers and they remained that way for a few moments, Liv basking in the solid heat of her husband. She’d nearly lost him. Would have if not for a small auto device anyone could buy for their key ring, for less than the price of a burger and fries.

  “It’s time for another punishment,” she said calmly.

  At that, Alex turned in her arms without letting go, brows raised. “What for? I haven’t done anything—well, lately.”

  “Haven’t you?”

  Hesitating, he studied her knowing expression. Finally, he gave her a faint smile. “You’ve been talking to Jason. He told you, didn’t he?”

  “Suppose you tell me.”

  “Oh, boy. Am I in trouble? I didn’t think beating off on my own patio would count as worthy of a confession, since I didn’t know Jason was watching!”

  “At first,” she emphasized, raising her brows. “But once you did notice, to hear him tell it, you gave him quite a show.”


  “Spill it.”

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “All right, you win. It was the night I met him, when we drank wine on his patio. Later, I couldn’t sleep, so I went outside, reclined in the lounger and indulged in a little fantasy about him. When I realized he was watching me . . . God, I exploded.”

  “I can imagine, and I don’t blame you. But since you chose not to mention it to me, I have no choice except to dole out your consequences,” she said cheerfully.

  The prospect brought him right out of his funk.

  “Mmm.” His vibrant green eyes darkened. Became . . . ravenous. Feral. “Lady, you’re just what the doctor ordered.”

  “Oh, you might want to wait before you sing my praises. I have something painfully tantalizing in mind for a very naughty boy.”

  His erection rubbed her belly through the denim of his jeans. The sharp intake of breath, the dilation of his pupils, gave away his willing surrender. Excitement quickened her blood as she led him upstairs to their bedroom and glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. Jason would be waiting by now, watching for her signal.

  “Take off all your clothes,” she ordered. “Every stitch, then go stand by the window next to the bed.”

  Alex threw her a puzzled look, but did as he was told. When he pushed down his jeans, his cock, ruddy and highly aroused, arched to kiss his stomach. He walked over to the window and waited in eager silence.

  “Open the blinds and tell me what you see.”

  He did, and shrugged. “I see Jason’s house next door.”

  “What else?”

  “I—I can see right into a bedroom on the second floor, and the lighting is low.”

  “Like mood lighting?”


  “Good. Now, turn out the lights so it’s completely dark in here,” she said in a soft, seductive voice. “So that you can see without being seen very well. Then come back and stand in front of the window, facing out.”

  “Liv, what—”

  “Do it.”

  After switching off the lamps on either side of the bed, he returned to his spot—and gasped.

  On cue, Jason stepped in front of his own window. A very naked, lean-muscled Jason with his legs spread, erect, shiny cock in hand. Fisting it, stroking at leisure. Up the considerable length and down to his balls.

  Jason’s head tipped back in obvious rapture as he worked his cock, sun-streaked brown hair falling away from his face and to his shoulders.

  “My God,” Alex breathed. “He’s—he’s—”

  “Gorgeous? A young man you’d like to sample for yourself?”

  Alex swallowed hard. “Yes, Liv. You know I would.”

  “I do know. He’s one of your fantasies come true,” she mused. “Mine, too. Unfortunately for you, your punishment tonight is only being allowed to watch.”

  Taking advantage of his temporary loss of speech, she removed a pair of binoculars from where she’d stashed them in the nightstand drawer. “Every good voyeur has one of these,” she said, handing them over. “You’re all set. Enjoy the show, and don’t move until I get back.”

  Trembling, pussy hot and needy, she turned to go.

  “Wait! You’re not staying to watch?”

  Looking over her shoulder, she smiled. Lord, her pair of guys made a luscious sight. “No, sweetie. I’m part of the show. See you soon.”

  She hurried out, eager to give them all a night to remember.

  As soon as Liv cleared the door, Alex returned his stunned gaze to Jason. The younger man fisted his cock as if he hadn’t a care in the world, his stance catlike, those eyes staring across the distance between them as though Alex could hide nothing from him.

  Don’t move? His brain had packed its bags and left for Ar uba. A one-way ticket. His own cock was hot as a solar flare between his legs and he didn’t dare touch it. Not yet. He wanted to shoot off, but not this early.

  He nearly did, anyway, as Liv entered the room and crossed to Jason. She made a production of stripping, first the powder blue T-shirt, baring her braless breasts, nipples peaked. Next her jeans and panties.

  Naked. His wife was naked with another man.

  About to play with her gorgeous young stud, do anything she wanted with him. While her husband watched every scintillating detail.

  He was so fucking
aroused right now, it wouldn’t take a bomb to kill him. The impending orgasm would finish him.

  Jason and Liv faced each other, giving Alex a perfect view in profile. Liv went down on her knees, dark head bent to her lover’s cock. She bobbed on the tip and Alex jerked the binoculars to his face so fast he almost broke his nose.

  “Jesus Christ.”

  Wickedness in wide-screen.

  His wife laved the younger man’s slick, veined cock. Swirled the tip a few times, then wrapped her lips around it. Inched his impressive shaft farther into her mouth, swallowing him by degrees.

  Alex felt it snap into place. An invisible cord stretched between all three of them. Decadent, delicious, undeniable. They fed off this connection, and so did he. The bond they’d formed in that instant seemed as vital as his heartbeat, thrumming in tempo to Jason’s hips thrusting into Liv’s sweet mouth.

  She sucked a bit more before pulling off him, leaving him erect. With a flick of her hand, they switched positions, angling their bodies so Alex could see her front. She spread her legs, bracing one hand on Jason’s shoulder as he nuzzled her curls, flicked her nub with his tongue.

  He began to eat her, alternating between sucking and licking, his tongue plunging between the lips of her sex. Gathering her juices. Alex groaned, palming himself with his free hand. He knew how damned good Liv tasted, how rich and dewy, and a sudden image of him and Jason licking her together, two tongues feasting on her flesh, seared itself into his mind.

  Alex’s cock jerked and he cupped his balls, staving off his orgasm with difficulty. Don’t want to come! Make it last! Another gesture from Liv, and her lover stood, following her to the bed. His wife owned both men, had them hanging on her every move, her every wish.

  She lay on her back, the top of her head toward Alex. Jason crawled between her legs, scooped his hand underneath her rear, and lifted her bottom half clear off the bed. Hooking her knees over his shoulders, he pulled her toward him, impaling that lovely pussy on his cock.

  “Oh, God! Shit . . . ”

  Alex pumped his own shaft harder, mesmerized by the scene in front of him. He could see where they joined, the younger man fucking his wife with deep, sure strokes. Burying himself to the balls again and again. Plunging faster and harder as Liv’s hands fisted in the bedcovers.